Tool Kit - Ecosystem
Other Resources

Neighborhood Business Ecosystem

The St. Louis Mosaic Project has created a map of the neighborhood business ecosystem for immigrant entrepreneurs.

The Small Business Empowerment Center

The Small Business Empowerment Center is a Missouri 501c3 Nonprofit Organization sponsored by the Greater St. Louis Empowerment Zone to serve as is a one stop shop to help urban entrepreneurs start and grow their own business enterprise.
The SBEC’s mission is to provide economic development initiatives focus on assisting entrepreneurs to sustain and grow their businesses and thus create wealth within their communities. SBEC helps entrepreneurs overcome the challenges of starting businesses in distressed and underserved neighborhoods and urban “Main Street” business districts through four major resources:
    1. Educational Workshops
    2. Community Programing
    3. Consulting Services
    4. Collaborative Partnerships.

Ferguson 1000

Minority Entrepreneurship and Workforce Resources

BALSA Foundation Idea Support

Get feedback from experts.

East St. Louis Initiative

The East St. Louis Initiative engages local entrepreneurial leaders from East St. Louis with Washington University student teams and provides connections to make micro-enterprises sustainable.

Tech Ecosystem Map


STL Tech Jobs

EQ Ecosystem Map

Jobs on EQ

Startup and Tech Jobs

People Behind the Science


People Behind the Science’s mission is to inspire current and future scientists, share the different paths to a successful career in science, educate the general population on what scientists do, and show the human side of science.