New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast

New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast

April 25, 2019

April 26, 2019 – May 3, 2019 all-day
New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast
New  episode of  Entrepreneurially Thinking podcast is live!

Joining us today is Quentin Ortega. Quentin is an S&T graduate whose entrepreneurial journey started at a young age and put him on a path of serial entrepreneurship and in a prominent role as a mentor and advisor in the St. Louis entrepreneurship ecosystem. Among his roles, IT Track Leader for CET’s SQ1 Boot Camp Program, Entrepreneur in Residence at ITEN and Executive VP of Business Development at Great Data Lake.

In this episode:

Quentin talks about how his dream of becoming an entrepreneur started at the ripe age of 5 years old.

Quentin discusses his involvement in multiple tech companies and how he has evolved in the tech industry.

Quentin explains how he got involved in business mentoring through multiple outlets such as Square 1 and ITEN.

Quentin mentions the importance of an entrepreneur spending time learning about all aspects of a business even the ones you may not be handling on a day to day basis.

Learn more:



#business, #cet, #cheryl watkins-moore, #christy maxfield, #entrepreneur, #, #innovation, #podcast, #raregem productions, #st. louis, ethinkstl