New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast

New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast

January 4, 2017

February 15, 2017 all-day
New Episode of the Entrepreneurially Thinking Podcast

The latest Entrepreneurially Thinking podcast is live!

Working to change the world? Not all entrepreneurs are motivated by profit – some see earned revenue as a way to finance the social change they want to see. What are the nuts and bolts of creating social change? Well, your tax status comes secondary to what you are trying to do. Establishing a non-profit is not the “be-all-end-all” solution to achieve your mission. Social entrepreneurship leverages market forces to “do good” while “doing well”.

Dr. Heather Cameron is the inaugural Michael B. Kaufman Professor of Practice in Social Entrepreneurship at the Brown School. It is there that she is creating a climate of change making where MSWs, MBAs, other students and community members can explore new business models aimed at creating positive systemic change while adding value to the bottom line.